Jeanine Pirro Doth Protest Too Much: 'I'm Not A Racist'

If the shoe fits...

Hey if you gotta scream from the rafters 'I'm not a racist' then you probably are.

On Saturday, Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine, host Pirro went on a rant complaining that "the Left" is shaming you for saying racist and xenophobic things.

About five minutes into her program she said, "Whether it be about Black Lives Matter, burning down neighborhoods or CRT being taught in our classrooms -- or denying that immigrants must be vaccinated, is to muzzle us as racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic."

Pirro continued, "This shaming is part of their plan to radically change our country."

OUR country? Pirro touches all the racist tropes in about 30 seconds including the great replacement theory.

"We are American. We have a right to express our thoughts and our beliefs!" she bellowed.

Yes, you can, Box Wine Lady. However, companies, corporations, and small businesses have a right to respond if they find you offensive.

Pirro, like many on Fox, use catchphrases and triple up their consonants to make a point. Like "cancel culture consequence." It rolls off a racist tongue so easily.

If a Republican politician calls out Trump for his incessant lying, they are immediately censored, canceled, and removed from Congress.

Pirro claims Democrats are making Republicans fearful so that they won't speak out.

Has anybody ever seen a Republican not speaking out?

Like many Fox News hosts, they make believe they are asking questions about racist and xenophobic things they outwardly say so they can claim like Pirro, she's "not a racist."

Creating false narratives to justify the blatant white supremacist agenda is the only way they can put lipstick on a pig.

"I know I'm not a racist. I know I'm not a xenophobe!"

Pirro sounded much like Richard Nixon when he said "I am not a crook."

If the shoe fits, Jeanine.

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