Lindsay Graham Says America Must Invade Afghanistan Again

The thought of another 20 year war in Afghanistan excites the Senator from South Carolina to no end.

Lindsey Graham now claims that the US will be forced to invade Afghanistan again.

In an interview with the BBC, Graham tried to brag about traitor Trump's building up the military without mentioning ever that the former guy was the one who negotiated the peace deal with the Taliban, excluding the Afghan government from the negotiations.

Speaking like the war hawk that he is, Graham said that eventually, Al Qaeda will settle in Afghanistan

“We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria," Graham stated.

BBC host Stephen Sackur was surprised and asked , "You seriously think the United States will once again, in the foreseeable future, put troops back into Afghanistan?"

"We’ll have to, because the threat will be so large,” Graham replied.

Graham is saying that we must start another 20-year war in Afghanistan that will undoubtedly kill many American soldiers... because of Iraq?

Republicans like Graham constantly attack any federal government help given to the American people, like the Build Back America plan from the Biden administration, as well as any stimulus to individuals because freedom, jobs and federal deficits.

But mention a war and this warmonger will throw around trillions of dollars to the military-industrial complex with no accounting and no thought of federal deficits.

It's this servitude to war stocks that kept the United States involved in Afghanistan for two decades.

War hawks may fade into the background for a time, but they never go away.

And the American public hasn't supported having the troops there since 2009.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll last week found that Americans overwhelmingly supported President Biden’s decision to end the war in Afghanistan, though they disapproved of how he executed the withdrawal. The last time a majority in a Post-ABC News poll said the war was worth fighting was in late 2009, and then just a narrow 52 percent majority said so, with Republicans more likely than Democrats or independents to say the war, which began under Republican President George W. Bush, was worth the cost.

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