Madison Cawthorn Has A Knife Problem

Apparently, a Republican Congressman is not bound by the laws of this country in almost any capacity.

Madison Cawthorn attended a school board meeting in Henderson County last week. A rival to his congressional seat took a picture of him and claimed the fact-free Congressmen had brought a knife onto public-school grounds. Doing so is illegal.

The photo went viral, but as usual, a Republican is not bound by the laws of this country in almost any capacity.

Henderson County Sheriff’s Office department gave a ludicrous reason why Cawthorn wasn't punished.

"Although unacceptable, occasionally a person inadvertently possesses a knife on educational property or other property where such possession is prohibited," Duncan wrote in a news release.:

I'm sorry, what US Congressperson would be carrying a deadly weapon with them "inadvertently"?

In Cawthorn's case, he's already been busted on several occasions with weapons on his person. Even admitting to being armed during the Trump-inspired insurrection.

When questioned about carrying the knife, he feigned ignorance telling the News Observer, “I don’t really know anything about that,” Cawthorn said when asked about the allegations after speaking at a school board meeting in Johnston County on Tuesday. “I’ll have to look into it, but I don’t know anything about it.”

However, in an earlier interview with New York mag, he admitted to his obsession with having a knife on him.

Olivia Nuzzi catches the QAnon representative red handed:

Representative Cawthorn: I rearmed — you can’t take guns onto the floor.

New York: Right …

Rep. Cawthorn: I usually only have my — my — my — a knife on me on the floor, but, you know, we came back to get our guns.

New York: Did you have a knife on you?

Rep. Cawthorn: Yeah, I’ve always got a hunting knife on me.

New York: Didn’t you tell the local press that you had a gun on you the day of the siege?

Rep. Cawthorn: We did, on — during the siege, we came back to get it.

It's enough that this jackass is riling up families about mask protections for their kids at school board meetings, (Which have become the Tea Party 2.0), but having weapons on him? Is seriously sick.

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