Call The WAAAHMBULANCE: Sean Spicer Cries Like A Baby Over Jen Psaki

Making a choice to lie everyday at the podium does have its drawbacks, Sean.

The New York Times has an article featuring President Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki which infuriated admitted liar Sean Spicer.

The article was focused on Jen Psaki, who "has tamped down the vitriol that colored news briefings during the Trump administration."

Part of the article addresses Jen's popularity online, which she has earned with her straightforward approach as well as not having to lie everyday on behalf of an immoral and corrupt president.

Under the Trump administration, the daily White House press briefing turned into a circus. The revolving door of liars that were hired and fired so frustrated the American people and the beltway press corps that Trump canceled them altogether.

Enter Sean Spicer, who was Trump's first press secretary. At his very first press conference, instead of acting like a press secretary, he turned into a Fox News host and berated media for five minutes over the size of Trump's inauguration and other petty grievances. These types of actions became the hallmark of Trump's communications department.

Spicer was so awful that Melissa McCarthy imitation of him on SNL was an immediate hit.

After he left the White House, Spicer finally admitted that he did lie about the inauguration size.

Spicer was interviewed for the Times article and immediately bitched and moaned about how well the press treats Psaki and how mean they were to him.

“I walked into the lion’s den every day — she walks into a bunch of kittens,” Spice grumbled.

Poor baby. Does Sean need his binky?

Later in the article he whined about her defense of his removal from the military board. “Jen chose to stand and question my qualifications and services to this country. Once she did that, the gloves were off,” he told the Times, failing to note that she specifically did not question his qualifications.

A White House press secretary always supports the administration they work for, and they do spin, but knowingly becoming a liar on a daily basis is a choice. A choice to lie even about inconsequential topics.

A choice that Sean Spicer made along with his colleagues who took over when he departed.

Stop your bellyaching, Sean. You helped a madman corrupt the GOP into a mob of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxers and insurrectionists.

Is that the legacy you're proud of?

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