Agolf Twitler Afraid To Say 'Get Vaxxed' On Fox

Trump is caught between promoting vaccines and supporting anti-vax wackos that support him.

During a Fox News interview, Trump sycophant Greg Gutfeld asked the seditious ex-president what he can do convince his wife to get vaccinated.

Gutfeld asked, "What would say to her?"

After making a joke about her Russian heritage, Traitor Trump said, "Let her do what she wants to do."

That's the kind of confusing and unhinged leadership the President UV Light Up Your Butt offered during the COVID19 outbreak. it's why we are still leading the world in new COVID infections.

After saying vaccines do protect people, President Inject Bleach said,"I would recommend, but I also say let her have her freedoms, you know the word freedom?"

The idea of freedom to Republicans now is to tell their fellow human being to f**k off and if I get you sick and we both die, awesome, because freedoms!

President Porn Star Hush Money's serial lying to the American people about the severity of Covid, offering snake oil treatments like hydroxychloriquine, UV lights, and injecting bleach into your body, his QAnon supporters are refusing to get vaccinated. Instead, they are protesting against all mandates, including masks, to protect themselves, their families and friends.

As a direct result of their insane behavior, COVID is ravaging red states like Texas and Florida.

Traitor Trump is caught between trying to take all the credit for the vaccines, but downplaying it so that his MAGA cultists don't revolt against him.

So Donald says he likes vaccine, but all mandates are bad and it's up to you because -- freedom!

He's a coward.

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