Do Dems Have A Failure To Communicate?

When Will Pelosi And Schumer Release Their Members To The Media To Sell Their Agenda?

After President Biden was elected, most of what the public heard from the mainstream media about Build Back Better was the $1.5T and $3.5T price tag on his administration's aggressive agenda.

The public never hears or reads much about what is actually in the Build Back Better and Infrastructure bills, except to repeat the costs over and over again. Almost without exception, the MSM never outlines how the bills will help the working class and families.

This comes right out of the right-wing manual on how to stifle the Democratic agenda.

We do hear the media complain that the Democrats are in disarray while repeating Fox News' complaints about federal government "spending and overreach."

It's the same old, tired story.

The media has been truly awful covering the insane "critical race theory" meme that Republicans have been using as an openly racist election trope. This year, Republicans have taken their venomous fights to schools instead of Democratic town halls.

And the media's negligence is hurting the Biden agenda. But this isn't how the White House hasn't gotten a fair shake. The real victims are the American people.

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll released today says, "about 7 in 10 (69%) Americans said they know just some or little to nothing about what's in both bills. Fewer than half (31%) said they know a great deal or good amount."

This is a failure on two fronts!

  1. Mainstream media seems to only focus on the horse race between political parties and two members of the Democratic Senate (Sinema and Manchin) that are holding up passing the legislation, instead of laying out in layman terms what's in the plans that will help most of America and not just the wealthy.
  2. Congressional Democrats are not going on television, radio, podcasts, streaming services, and social media discussing all that's in these very good programs which will help most of America if they are passed.

Putting the same two or three Democratic politicians on television during the Sunday shows is not enough.

Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer must unleash their members on the media so that the American people truly understand how they are benefiting the Build Back Better agenda.

On every Fox News show they put a rotating cavalcade of wingnut politicians, bloggers, bad actors, liars and activists. Their noise exists to provide propaganda for the Republican Party as free advertising and a dark money stelth ontribution from Rupert Murdoch.

On MSNBC and CNN, you rarely see Democratic politicians. Almost all left-wing activists, bloggers and think tanks members are totally excluded so their friends from The Lincoln Project can regularly appear on their programs.

Often times we see a reporter from the AP, Matt Schlapp (yeah), and a reporter from Politico debating politics.

All the help given to parents ALONE from these plans should be a no-brainier for the American people to get behind it, except they don't know what that exact help is, except in drips and drabs.

There is never any balance. It's long past time for the leaders of the Democratic Congress to unleash their members onto the airwaves.

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