Fox's Lara Logan Poisons The Airwaves With Antivax Conspiracies

This once credible reporter now is claiming COVID vaccines aren't really vaccines.

On Hannity's Fox News program Thursday evening, Lara Logan completed her transformation from former war correspondent for CBS News to deranged conspiracy theorist, claiming vaccines aren't really vaccines.

“We don’t have sovereignty of our own bodies. we have to take a vaccine that’s not really a vaccine, it’s mRNA,” Logan squawked.

That unhinged take came at the very end of a long, winding, xenophobic rant claiming Democrats want to change the makeup of the country under the Open Society Foundation (which means, of course, George Soros.)

The CDC explains that mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine which protects against infectious diseases. Anyone who disputes this is certifiable.

Lara Logan should not be put on television to spread these lies to the pubic during a national health crisis. It's high time Fox News be heavily sanctioned for their murderous behavior: allowing these creeps air-time for ratings, lost lives be damned.

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