Heads Should Roll At Fox News Over Colin Powell Coverage

It took only a few minutes for Fox and Friends to use and promote anti-vax conspiracy theories after the passing of Colin Powell.

As soon as the death of Colin Powell was announced, Fox News began using his passing to attack vaccines and vaccine mandates, because Powell had been vaccinated.

What Fox and Friends refused to tell their viewers (That meme began to percolate on Fox News and social media) is that the 84 year-old Powell was battling multiple myeloma and his immune system was severely weakened by his condition.

The NY Times reports, "People with multiple myeloma have compromised immune systems and are thus at greater risk of developing severe Covid-19. Vaccines are also likely to be less effective in these patients."

But hey, on Fox News there's no time like the present to kill your viewers with disinformation so you can get higher TV ratings and make Trump and Republicans look less incompetent by comparison.

As the 8 AM EST bell rang, co-host Will Cain went full-Alex Jones on Powell's passing.

Cain said, "We know the vaccine does wane over time in its ability to protect you from, not just its transmission and infection, but severe complications and hospitalization and obviously, death as well. We know it’s beginning to spill over COVID into the vaccinated population.”

No we don't "know that," you f**king liar.

He continued, “Again, Colin Powell in the direct age demographic that suffers the most from complications from Covid, but I think everyone watching needs to be aware of limitations — and protections — that we all have all offered ourselves through this pandemic in all of this potential risk.”

Brian Kilmeade explained that Colin Powell did not trust Donald Trump to be president so Will Cain jumped in again.

Cain continues to spread lies about Powell and COVID, while Ainsley and Kilmeade sat there like mute mannequins.

Cain said, "Ainsley, you brought up COVID, look, this day will be the day for many things. Remembering the man, for remembering the leader that was lost. It's also a day to understand the implications on everyday Americans."

What implications? Why does Will Cain want Americans to die from the COVID19 virus and its variants?

"The reports are he died from complications of COVID." Cain used Powell's grieving family to make his anti-vax screed.

Cain vomited, "And as Americans out there wonder what lies ahead for them as they search and they need truth moving forward. We are seeing data from across the world -- fully vaccinated people are being hospitalized -- fully vaccinated people are dying from COVID."

The vaccines have never been billed as a cure-all or for being 100% effective, but Powell had a compromised immune system to begin with.

Cain lamented, "Here we have a very high profile example that's gonna require more truth, more truth from our government, more truth from our health leaders as well as we talk about this story on a day when state after state and institution after institution are pushing mandates for vaccinations."

Once again Kilmeade and Earhardt refused to push back against these very serious lies.

Powell is an example of how dangerous COVID is for the elderly, especially ones that are battling cancer.

Cain should be fired from his job immediately.

John Roberts jumped on Cain's lies and tweeted this before he deleted it.

You lie! Roberts wrote that Powell's death raised serious implications about vaccines.

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