Guess Who?

Rudy Giuliani, smearing the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

Rudy Giuliani posted a bizarre video on Twitter using an Abraham Lincoln filter to insert himself into the Virginia governor's race.

The race to the bottom has never stopped for Republicans, as Rudy continues to dig deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Voter fraud lies and wild conspiracies coupled with anti-vax hysteria is today's normal for the GOP.

Rudy, hiding behind his silly filter, said, "Virginia, vote against the man who dishonored our past by selling my bedroom hundreds and hundreds of times to scoundrels in a pay-for-play scheme!"

This is where 'America's Mayor' has landed after latching onto Traitor Trump. He's become a third rate Vegas laughingstock of an act somewhere deep off the Strip.

It won't be long until he's dressing up as a clown and playing kids' birthday parties out in Long Island.

We can only hope that Giuliani will loses his license to practice law everywhere in the US, and he'll be banished to the bowels of OANN til the end of time.

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