Laura Ingraham Claims Biden Is Indoctrinating 3-Year-olds

Fox News host will stoop to anything to slander Democrats.

Pres. Biden visited two New Jersey preschools yesterday to promote his Build Back Better agenda.

Since part of the bold agenda is establishing universal preschool for all American families Laura Ingraham and religious right wingnut Raymond Arroyo had to make him out to be a creepy, touchy uncle that teaches 3-year-olds critical race theory.

As they rolled their pre-cut video, the always-smarmy Arroyo immediately claimed President Biden is having cognitive dissonance.

Ingraham mocked, "Nooo."

As the video was rolling, Ingraham yelled, "What is he doing there?"

Arroyo whined he didn't understand how this helps Biden's agenda, the agenda that includes PRESCHOOL.

"It's like universal pre-K CRT anti-racism agenda, cause if you're not turning your kids into little propagandists at age 5, you gotta get them at age 3," Ingraham said.

Universal preschool for all American families is a very popular policy and will help families immeasurably, including the working class, so Fox News must hate it.

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