Student Makes A Fool Of Madison Cawthorn, It Ain't Hard

Cawthorn once again claimed the 2020 election was stolen by Trump without offering up proof.

An activist named Jack Cocchiarella embarrassed Rep. Madison Cawthorn by calling him out on his election fraud lies during a North Carolina Town Hall.

After Cocchiarella explained how Biden won easily, he asked, "So when will you stop lying to your constituents, admit that Donald Trump lost, and end this senseless attack on our democracy?”

A bunch of audience members clapped.

Cawthorn immediately started lying.

"I wholeheartedly disagree with you.," he said.

"I believe the election was stolen."

"On the facts you disagree with me?"

And if Madison clicks his heels three times he'll be in Kansas.

Cawthorn claimed it was an unconstitutional election because access to voting came much easier during the pandemic.

Imagine that, a Republican suggesting voter suppression is in the Constitution.

Cawthorn used the same tired talking points about who gets to change voting laws. (Did Kayleigh McEnany send them out to MAGA sycophants as they planned the insurrection?)

Cawthorn said, "Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, the only people who have a right to change election law in the United States of America, are the state legislatures..."

Yada, yada, yada. Trump and his cronies didn't complain about making voting easier in the six states that Cawthorn cited, until they lost the election .

There has to be actual fraud for the election to be stolen, right?

Jack then asked Rep. Cawthorn if he was against the Constitution when he supported the Jan 6 insurrection.

That's when he was asked to sit down.

Making voting easier during a pandemic does not a fraud make. Americans were allowed to vote by mail during the pandemic. It was easy, safe, and secure. That it didn't result in a Republican win doesn't make it invalid, but Republicans are the heads we win tails you lose party.

After over 60 failed lawsuits from the Trump campaign, and no evidence at all of any real voter fraud, Republicans are forced to just keep repeating over and over again "the election was stolen."

Unfortunately for this country, MAGA politicians must latch onto this big lie or else be purged from the cult and lose their primary races.

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