Mike's Blog Round-Up
Freaky Friday Fluff
Like yesterday's school board stories, another theme has presented itself: Threats of Violence. Not from bofe-sides, either. (Except the "witch" in the Twix ad reaction alicublog covered. She's a lib, obvs.)
In the crosshairs: Fox News & violent imagery, from Oliver Willis.
Meanwhile, the latest OUTRAGE!1!! is ninnies claiming a Twix tee vee advert calls for violence against bullies. By witchy-wimmen! Alicublog has the scoop.
The Rude Pundit continues the theme w/ many an example.
And a further look at the latest in lunatic Republican idiocy from Down with Tyranny! Great illustrations by Nancy Ohanian, too.
Boo! Bonus from Crazy Eddie the Motie: Metaphoric implications of the Victorian mansion as haunted house.
Wrangled by Web of Evil (& Ennui) proprietor M. Bouffant. Still accepting submissions at mbru@crooksandliars.com.