Mike's Blog Round-Up

Yellow & Orange Tales Of Horror & Revulsion for Hallowe'en Eve

Looks as if blogging's as dead as democracy & the human attention span. If you people don't care enough to create 28-35 different, link-worthy posts a wk., I don't see why I should bother. Most current web-logs of any interest seem to consist of aggregation of Tweets. Maybe we need a "Tweet Round-Up".

Well, let's 'phone it in:
Brains & Eggs has a buncha stuff.

Alex Pareene on pizza & sausage-making.

Hackwhackers has a school board speaker who knows the "problem" is THE JOOS!!

Maha talks herself off a ledge.

Bonus: Yellow Dog Granny should have something to lighten your load.

Assembled w/o the instructions by M. Bouffant, who is horrified by the Choppers vs. Cheaters World Series. Submit suggestions, tips, yada to mbru@crooksandsliars.com.

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