Romney: If There's A Wealth Tax, The Rich Will Just Buy Art

Typical lies coming from Mitt, a man who would be one of those rich Americans paying higher taxes.

Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country.

Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there.

Lie #1: Romney said, "It's not a good idea to tell billionaires don't come to America. Don't start your business here. To tell the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and people like that this is the place to begin your business go somewhere else."

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates already have their businesses in America, Mittens. Because they were born here. They're Americans. Republicans are the ones having issues with people from other countries coming here and starting businesses.

Lie #2: Romney said, "Multibillionaires, they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed."

High taxes have never stopped multi-billionaires from investing in the stock market, ever.

Lie #3: "So maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs that create a stronger economy."

Under President Obama, taxes were much, much higher than today and multi-billionaires were investing and creating jobs at a rapid pace. The economy was roaring and the stock market was on fire, all of which Traitor Trump tried to take credit for.

Liars gotta lie and Mitt lies with the best of them when it comes to taxes.

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