Former President Threatens To Have His Republican Voters Stay Home
Please, please, please, make it happen.

Psychotic narcissistic baby Trump is threatening to try to keep his supporters home if Republicans across the country don't uncover enough voter fraud to prove he won the 2020 election.
That is of course impossible since he lost the election very badly, Joe Biden is the president and his idiotic attempt they've made to change that has blown up in his face.
Keeping the Big Lie going is all Trump thinks about. It's probably too profitable. The baby-man issued a statement saying if Republicans don't prove enough 2020 election fraud against him to crown him king, then they will not be voting in 2022 or 2024.
Trump is craven enough to actually tell his cultists to not vote if he feels he has no chance in 2024, and selfish enough to want them to lose in 2022.
Please, please, please, make this happen.