Why Is The Media Not Calling Out Republican CRT Lies?
Only the horse race matters to the beltway press when it comes to Republican political lies.
Former Vice President Mike Pence, who was hunted like a dog during the January 6 insurrection, jumped on board with the newest BIG LIE promoted by Republicans.
In a speech at the Advancing American Freedom conference, Pence made these remarkable statements about something that has never been taught in the public school system.
"Critical race theory is nothing more than state-sponsored racism and it should be opposed by every American of every race and creed and color in every school in our land," Pence yelled.
Pence is doing this because parents that have joined the MAGA cult are being told by Fox and other outlets to go to school board meetings and scream and yell about it. It's all about inciting fake rage. Loud antics get precious and expensive media exposure from Fox News and their counterparts.
If you ask any Republican what "critical race theory" is they most likely will say it teaches kids to hate America. Not knowing it was a theoretical paper in law school academia.
Pence, like all Republican politicians, knows CRT is not being taught in our K-12 school systems and never has been, but the GOP party operating procedure is to lie and lie often.
A supposed religious man, you'd think Mike Pence would know better. Right? Wrong. These people using religion as a wedge are the worst of the worst.
CRT is also being used as a linchpin in the Virginia Governor's election and for some reason, the entire mainstream media has turned a blind eye towards the latest GOP scam.
You might think a few journalists from the New York Times and Washington Post would do a deep dive into the latest GOP lie. Maybe try and find out what schools and districts are actually teaching critical race theory to children.
Instead, they focus on the horse race of political machinations and how it's a winning formula.
As Eric Boehlert notes (Please subscribe) in his very fine article, "And the press is playing an essential role in this dangerous propaganda roll-out. As Republicans weaponize school boards across the country as part of their political campaigns, the media are legitimizing the attacks. Think about the media malpractice on display this year — the press has showered attention on right-wing attacks about CRT being taught while consistently refusing to point out that CRT is not being taught."
Again and again, mainstream media is touting Republicans using CRT as a political tool instead of calling it exactly what it is. Another con perpetrated by immoral actors for political power.