Charlie Kirk: Joy Reid Represents 'Childless, Metropolitan People'

Scumbag Charlie wants Republicans to be branded as the 'party of parents' because they have a racist trope they can use at school board meetings.

Charlie Kirk set his sights on Joy Reid and her motherhood status because Kirk hates the African-American host who continually calls out Republican love of white supremacy under the guise of critical race theory.

Scumbag Charlie wants Republicans to be branded as the 'party of parents' because they have a racist lie they can use at school board meetings.

Using critical race theory as an excuse to demean, attack, and threaten educators is as white nationalist as one can get using their dog whistle, which is more like a bullhorn.

"The sad souls that work at MSNBC are largely childless and outside of the nuclear family," Kirk said.

Soon, if Democratic families decide to only have one or two kids they will be labeled as child haters.

Has Kirk looked at the MSNBC work force, ever? Andrea Mitchell is not twenty something, you F**king idiot.

"I don't know if Joy Reid has children or not," Kirk said. Then he began to stammer, "I don't I don't -- I doubt it, but I don't know."

It's not hard to find Reid's family status Charlie; all you have to do is use the Google for two seconds. But why bother when you can lie with impunity and try and besmirch a good mother in the process.

"The point is the people at MSNBC have a disproportionate megaphone to the country," he lied.

"They represent late twenty, early thirty-something childless, metropolitan people," he continued, embellishing his latest lie.

What? No fruity cocktails mixed with seaweed?

His helper suddenly confirmed that Joy has three kids.

"I did say maybe," he giggled.

"Nothing she says would actually be in the best interests of her children," this neanderthal went on.

What does Kirk know about motherhood? Or about Joy's family? He's 28 and just got married.

Trying to build on the racist critical race theory kerfuffle wingnuts created in school board meetings, Kirk and his colleagues are trying to take parenthood away from Democrats and MSNBC.

It's ridunkulous.

Joy Reid is a hundred times more of a moral and decent human being than this puke, Charlie Kirk ever will be.

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