Fox News Loves 'Patriotic Education' But Wants Politics Out Of Education
Every stance Fox News takes on education is based on lies and hypocrisy.
On America's Newsroom, Fox News host Martha MacCallum screamed about how they believe politics is infiltrating the classrooms, yet in the same breath, she wants Trump's jingoistic Patriotic education implemented instead.
In the beginning of their segment, Martha MacCallum rails against teachers teaching about politics in schools and used critical race theory to back that up even though it's not being taught in schools and was a conspiracy created by right-wing media like Fox, who used it as the stalking horse for the 1619 Project, which is being taught in schools.
Martha exclaimed that no student should know what their teacher's political views are.
And then in the next minute, MacCallum applauds Trump's "Patriotic Education Curriculum," which only teaches kids jingoistic gibberish right out of the Texas version of American history.
After playing a clip of Republican Chip Roy wanting to "take the school boards back," Fox News took on the role of the RNC.
"I thought back to a speech former President Trump gave in September 2020, on patriotic education, that really raised a lot of the issues that we have seen really bubble up since then," said MacCallum.
MacCallum then equated teaching children the actual history of our country, which included slavery that led to the Civil War, to behaving like a communist regime.
History is history; it's not political one way or the other. It is what it is, at least as long as facts are taught instead of opinion.
The term parent's rights have become the new "states rights" racist southern strategy.
Changing names of schools and getting rid of statues that celebrated slave masters from the South, which led to a bloody civil war that left over 600,000 dead Americans somehow equates to Mao Zedong forcing statues of himself on the Chinese people.
MacCallum clearly is either stupid or knows exactly what she's doing (I choose the latter) because in one breath she doesn't want to teach politics in schools. ***Here's a hint. They aren't teaching politics to children.
In another breath, Republicans want to indoctrinate our children to a false history or a "patriotic history" of this country which is fascism incarnate.