MSNBC Guest: Hit The Rittenhouse Stans In Their Wallets

MSNBC legal contributor Katie Phang has a smart way to combat Kyle Rittenhouse-loving extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Take them out at their knees” with cash.

Phang told MSNBC host Tiffany Cross earlier about the role that money played in Rittenhouse’s successful defense. He received more than $1 million in “Christian” crowdfunding for legal fees, she said. That allowed him to pay for a high-priced jury consultant and his “exceptionally well-rehearsed self-defense speech” on the witness stand.

In other words, Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t just "some 17-year-old lad walking down the street with an AR-15 who was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Phang added. "There is an entire army of people who have been supporting this type of conduct."

And now Rittenhouse’s acquittal has legitimized and greenlit more vigilantism. Fortunately, there are ways to fight back. Phang had a good recommendation when she returned for a later discussion on the subject:

PHANG: I think you also have to be able to take them out at their knees, and Tiffany, that means it's cash, almighty dollars. If you can take away the money, like for example, Alex Jones. If you can take away the money from him, if you can take away the money from these people to be able to fund white supremacy - you know that Unite the Right civil lawsuit that's going on? We're going to get a verdict in that case and if it's big enough, you can really start to hit ‘em where it hurts and if it's their pocketbooks, then that's definitely one way to be able to shut down this type of rhetoric that is just pure hate.

Here's hoping the families of Rittenhouse's victims sue him. While right-wingers like Matt Gaetz and Madison Cawthorn long to hire Rittenhouse and Fox News wants him to sue President Biden and the media for defamation, any and all of that blood money should go right out of Rittenhouse’s pocket and into the pockets of those who deserve it.

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