Racist Jesse Watters Mansplains MLK's Beliefs

Fox News loves to smear the name, beliefs and reputation of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fox News' Jesse Watters hijacks the beliefs of Martin Luther King Jr., to defend the racist trope of critical race theory used by Republicans to smear teachers and the Democratic party.

Critical race theory, (while not being taught in K12 and was mostly an academic paper.) is being used as a hammer by Republicans to promote their culture wars for 2020. It's being led by racists screaming about racism to deflect from their racism since the summer began.

After playing video of Winsome Sears on Fox News, the panel on The Five were apoplectic with love and admiration.

Fox News certainly loves Black Republicans. Black Democrats, not so much.

"CRT is a stain on the legacy of Martin Luther King [Jr]. Remember he aspired to have a colorblind society, you don't judge people by the color of their skin, the content of their character," Jesse Watters blabbed.

That might be true if American society had evolved since 1968 on race relations, but people like Watters and media like Fox News have destroyed much of the progress we've made in the last 20 years by defending racism to win at the polling booth. Critical race theory wasn't even a thing anyway in 1968.

Hearing MLK's name in this context makes me sick, especially coming out of Watters mouth.

"Joy Reid, all she wants to see is color," he said. "She just wants to strip everything else out and when all you see is color, you don't see grit, you don't see education, you don't see free will. And that's the point, they can't talk about it. That's why it's so stealth."

Watters is smart enough -- and I say this without a hint of irony -- to not lie like this, but he's got to earn his racist bucks.

All these right-wing provocateurs on Fox News and Newsmax and other wingnut outlets all understand what critical race theory is, they just refuse to be honest with the audience so they can partake in defending the racist base of the GOP.

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