Sean Duffy And Fox Go Nuts With Coordinated Attack On Kamala Harris

Like fifth-graders, Fox and Friends "talent" mocks every word Kamala Harris utters because they're terrified of her.

Sean Duffy and his F&F Klanmates were furious that Vice President Harris had a little fun in France. They apparently want her to act like a programmed robot with no personality.

Harris met with President Macron to mend fences, and the two countries are friends again.

However a coordinated attack against the Vice President appeared immediately at the NY Post and around the fever swamps of right-wing media..

The only people mocking Harris are right-wing media a-holes.

Sean Duffy, a former Congressperson (really.) joined in their set-up, "This was supposed to be the rehabilitation tour, and then she goes in and talks about "The Plan"

OMG, le horreur!

Doocy tries an exaggerated imitation and yells "The Plan," sounding like a daft Peppy Le Pew.

Like good little Republican operatives, the Fox employees immediately turn vicious against a Democratic vice president.

Duffy said, "Does she not know how stupid she looks? Right? And that she’s not gonna get ruthlessly mocked for being such an idiot? Right, we all know don’t pretend to have an accent when you don’t.”

Making an emphasis on two words is not trying to make believe you have an accent. Nor is it fodder for a segment on Fox News, but their sole purpose is to make their viewers hate, and I mean truly hate, any Democratic politician, especially a sitting Vice President overseas.

I doubt Duffy watched any of the Vice President's words before they played an edited clip during this segment.

My friend Colby Hall writes:

"So Duffy feels okay calling the sitting U.S. vice president an “idiot” because she said two words in a different and perhaps awkward way?

This would be like calling a cable news pundit an “asshole” because he’s putting his political animus ahead of civility — OR, like calling Duffy a “hypocrite” since his insults belie the Christian virtue that he and Ainsley Earhardt often signal to viewers of Fox & Friends."

Update: In a desperate attempt at relevance, Piers Morgan tried to pile on.

You'll definitely want to check out what Twitter has to say about that.

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