Is Trump's First Post-Presidency Book Written In Crayons?

Another grift against the MAGA crowd.

Okay, the crayon reference was a joke, but not that far off.

Most Americans understand Donald Trump doesn't like to read. His aides would put together graphs, charts, tables, and satellite images to hold his attention during intelligence briefings.

Trump's first book is a coffee-table book.

A picture book if you will.

I wonder if includes pop-ups?

Axios reports that "Our Journey Together," featuring 300+ official White House photographs."

And Don Jr. tells Axios: "My father picked every single photo in this book, wrote all the captions, including some by hand."

Wow, Trump chose the pictures. What an achievement.

As usual, the book is being published by a company called Winning Team Publishing which was formed by Don Trump Junior.

You can get a signed copy for $229.99

Another grift against the MAGA crowd.

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