Don Trump Jr Promotes 'Christian' Violence Against The Left

Traitor Trump's son claims "the teachings of Jesus" are failing Republicans. Really.

During the heinous Turning Point USA hate conference, Donald Trump Junior bashed the teachings of Jesus to the agitated evangelical crowd, and offered up kind the speech that leads to violence and death.

Junior's brand of grievance performance politics is vicious.

Claiming that "the Left" wants to cancel out every Christian Republican voice in America, he claims they have to get with the cancel culture program.

It's same program that they've been using since Trump ran for office. It has expelled Liz Cheney and any other Republican in Congress for speaking out against the insurrection of January 6 and not glorifying Trump's ego.

That's called fascism, Don Jr.

And then he spoke like a person trying to start the next civil war in this country.

Junior said, "We've turned the other cheek and I understand, I sort of understand the biblical reference. I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing. It's gotten us nothing!"

Turning the other cheek is dead. Long live the next insurrection!

I've been covering politics on a daily basis since 2004, and have never seen Republicans turn the other cheek, ever.

Donald Trump Junior and his treasonous father are telling his supporters anything goes in order to win.

Their hatred is all an act to rile up their sycophants to gain power and money. We all saw what their hatred can do on January 6th.

Peter Wehner writing at The Atlantic paints a picture that we have been covering for a long time.

Throughout his speech, Don Jr. painted a scenario in which Trump supporters—Americans living in red America—are under relentless attack from a wicked and brutal enemy. He portrayed it as an existential battle between good and evil. One side must prevail; the other must be crushed. This in turn justifies any necessary means to win. And the former president’s son has a message for the tens of millions of evangelicals who form the energized base of the GOP: the scriptures are essentially a manual for suckers.

The teachings of Jesus have “gotten us nothing.” It’s worse than that, really; the ethic of Jesus has gotten in the way of successfully prosecuting the culture wars against the left. If the ethic of Jesus encourages sensibilities that might cause people in politics to act a little less brutally, a bit more civilly, with a touch more grace? Then it needs to go.

What's truly despicable is church leaders are lapping this stuff up and promoting it to their congregations.

It appears Republicans want to start another Inquisition; here in the states.

Trump and his minions want an American Crusade against all non-Trump believers. Idolatry, heresy, and fascism.

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