Fox Loves Deplorable Dad Who Told Biden 'Let's Go Brandon'

Fox thinks it is great that a dad who received a Merry Christmas call from the president of the United States took the opportunity to insult him.

Fox "News" loves those MAGA Deplorables, especially the ones that take cheap shots at one of the most decent and kind presidents we have ever had. On Thursday, President Joe Biden was making Christmas Eve calls to homes across America, and of course, the jacknut he spoke to is a Trump supporter, who ended the call by saying "Let's go Brandon."

Biden, characteristically, didn't miss a beat, and said "Let's go Brandon, I agree." We all know that the best way to stop a bully is in his tracks is to smile, and not let him get under your skin.

Doocy couldn't hide his smirk, though, which honestly reminds me of the smile toddlers make when they think their fart actually made a poop in their diaper. The anchor, also smirking, called it "antics." Is telling the President of the United States to "f*ck himself" on live tv considered "antics" now? REALLY?

Fox "News," lowering the bar of decency every day.

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