Mike's Blog Round-Up
Saturday's Links to Liberal Web-Logs
Gun Boy's Mom & Dad Still On The Run At "Press Time" Edition.
Strangely Blogged on the mindset of the forced-birth crowd.
Maha continues in that vein, w/ the reminder it's not merely reproductive rights in peril.
The same argument could be used to support racial segregation and an end to same-sex marriage, of course. Over many decades one of the Court’s most solemn purposes has been to protect the rights of U.S. citizens from violation by state law, per the 14th Amendment. Letting states “decide” which civil rights are protected and which are not would set us back about 150 years. The “conservative” justices may be about to end a lot more protected rights than just a right to abortion.
From News Corpse, Trump holds a campaign event for COVID-19 (& Herschel Walker). Pick a winner, Lumpy.
The proverbial 1,000 words worth, i.e., cartoons, from Hackwhackers.
Big Bonus: Inclusive Caturday from all the proud pet parents at Balloon Juice. Includes dogs, bunnies, birds & at least one horse. I feel calmer already.
M. Bouffant blew an entire afternoon on this. Submissions may be sent to mbru@crooksandliars.com.