Once Again, Kiddie Killer Republicans Have Blood On Their Hands

While the GOP is fighting to protect fetal cells, the kids who are already here get gunned down in school on a fairly regular basis.

In 13 days, it will be the ninth anniversary of the Sandy Hook mass killing. That's when we were still naive enough to believe that surely, THIS TIME, as small children -- babies, really -- were gunned down en masse in their first grade classrooms -- surely THIS TIME things would change.


Fast forward to yesterday, when three are dead so far in Oxford, Michigan. We are so conditioned to this now, it will all be forgotten by next week.

We know that the Republican party, Russia, and the National Rifle Association are now welded together.

Republicans Block FEC Probe Of NRA's Russia Money And President Donald Trump

The NRA and Russia: How A Tax-Exempt Organization Became A Russian Asset

If a person who drives a woman to an abortion clinic is guilty of killing a "child," what does that make the Republican party and the NRA?

They kill children, every single day. They have blood on their hands.

They're the Kiddie Killer party. They're not "controlled" by the gun lobby, they ARE the gun lobby. They will forever be drenched in the blood of children.

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