Dem Congressman Doesn't Sugarcoat It: Jim Jordan Is A Traitor

No mincing of words by Ruben Gallego, a former Marine who is on the House Armed Services Committee

Rep. Ruben Gallego, a former marine who fought in Iraq and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on Wednesday, that Jim Jordan's text message to Mark Meadows proves he's a traitor.

Jordan suggested that Mike Pence commit an illegal act.

"Look, Jim Jordan is a traitor, " Gallego said.

He continued, "He's a traitor to the Constitution of the United States. He has been a traitor to the Constitution of the United States for quite a while, and now we actually have it in text."

Gallego said, "We shouldn't be surprised, why is anybody surprised? We saw it on the floor" when Jordan was saying their were fraudulent votes in Arizona.

"He made up lies on the House floor, so how are we surprised right now?"

Then Gallego warned the entire country, "There's a slow-moving coup that is happening right now all over this country that are lead by the Jim Jordans.

"The coup is ongoing, the traitors are still there, " he said.

Can you imagine if Gym Jordan had been allowed to be part of the Select Committee investigating the insurrection?

His only function for House Republicans was to cause disruption and chaos on the committee.

After his seditious message was revealed, Jordan would have been asked to testify on his own Committee. If he refused, he'd be subpoenaed and most likely had been held of Contempt of Congress.

All those participating in the coup must be exposed.

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