Fox Host Flips Out When Steve Doocy Promotes Booster Shots
Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy told his story and encouraged everyone to get booster shots. Brian Kilmeade did not like that.
Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy admitted to their audience that he and his son were suffering from Covid, which is why they haven't in the public eye for some time.
On Thursday you could hear in Steve Doocy's voice that he was still recovering the effects of Covid.
Media Matters caught this Thursday morning, "When Doocy encouraged vaccination on Thursday morning, his own co-hosts immediately railroaded him and undermined his point."
You would think Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade would take to heart the suffering the Doocy family had just gone through, but instead got more anti-vax screeds and misinformation to counter Doocy's pleas to get vaccinated.
After ranting for a few minutes, Steve finally got a word in edgewise.
DOOCY: What we've learned about omicron and I started by saying, and for people who are just tuning in it, it gets your throat first, and that's how it got me. When they are looking now at how this is impacting people, they essentially are saying we could have dodged a bullet with this particular variant, which is good news because keep in mind, Delta and Alpha both impacted your lungs. Now, as it turns out, omicron hits you right in the throat. But what if the next variant doesn't hit your throat? What if the next variant hits your lungs or hits your heart or hits your brain? We just don't know. And that is one of the reasons why the best protection for people is to get the vaccine.
After some nonsense spewed by Earhardt, Kilmeade continued his assault on COVID vaccines.
KILMEADE: I think we're going to be here in two months and we're going to be hearing, how dare you not get a fourth shot? How selfish not to get a fifth shot. So get a hold of yourself. Settle down. We need a third party outside government, no political bent to give us an idea of what's actually hitting us in America. Meanwhile, up next, business owners in –
Doocy finally explained what the boosters can do for you.
DOOCY: Brian, Brian, can I add something? Can I add something? Here's the thing. You don't trust government and I get that, and a lot of people don't. However, you know who I trust? I trust my doctor. And in talking to my doctor yesterday about omicron and the you know, the thing about omicron is the vaccines have not been as effective with that as it was with Delta. And he said, Think about it this way, Steve. He said think of the vaccine as like wearing a kevlar vest. It is not going to – essentially what the kevlar vest is going to do. Is it going to stop a bullet, but it won't let the bullet kill you.
Ainsley Earhardt tried to claim that if you talk to three different doctors you will get three different opinions,.
That's another lie.
This is how sick and twisted Fox News has become when it relates to Covid and health and safety measures. The world hasn't experienced anything like this in a hundred years and these jackasses are continually trying to undermine the medical community to appease their anti-vax viewers.
It's criminal.