Jen Psaki Smacks Reporter Complaining About Biden's Delaware Trips

Who knew President Biden isn't allowed to go home for the holidays.

A reporter* asked the White House press secretary to comment on the fact that President Biden goes to Delaware during his down time, insinuating that the visits were to hide visitors.

Jen Psaki was perturbed and responded in kind.

Psaki explained, "President Biden goes to Delaware because it's his home. It's also where his son and his former wife are buried and that's a place that's close to his heart."


Who knew a president is restricted on where they can go?

As for transparency, Psaki had words for him on that too: "We've also gone a step further from the prior administration and many administrations in releasing visitor logs of people who visit the White House and will continue that."

To refresh your memories, in 2017, Trump refused to release visitor logs to the White House.

Trump also refused to release visitor logs at Mar-A-Lago.

Was Trump already planning his attempted coup?

I kid, I kid.

Or do I?

In late December, before COVID exploded, Trump spent three out of every ten days at one of his personal properties.

Not to be outdone by any other president, "President Donald Trump has spent 307 days, almost a full year, golfing during his presidency."

Meanwhile in May of 2021, the Biden-Harris administration reinstates visitor log policy.

If this reporter is part of the press pool, which he is, he receives daily detailed reports about who is with the president when he golfs at Delaware, who accompanies him on the trip, and readouts of calls made. Full transparency, minute by minute.

Is the White House press corps fishing for controversial stories when there are none?

*NOTE: The "reporter" was from the New York Post - Steven Nelson. Of course he was trying to make controversy where there is none. It's their stock-in-trade

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