Fox News Compares AOC's Sex Appeal... To Ted Cruz

A ridiculous 'whataboutism' segment If ever heard one.

Fox and Friends went bonkers this morning with attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for attending a Miami party over the weekend that resulted in her being compared to... no, really, ...Ted Cruz.

Brian Kilmeade introduced the segment by saying that AOC was following the law and having a good time and going out "without a mask."

Here's a clue, Brian. If you've been vaccinated and had a booster, you don't need to wear a mask outdoors.

I love the fact that AOC trolled all of Fox News by saying they are frustrated because they want to date her.

This tweet by AOC left C-list shill Rachel Campos-Duffy with nothing to lob but personal attacks. Rachel said the NY Congresswoman is "sick and in need of mental health."

Project much, Rachel?

"I'm very disturbed that this woman continues to sexualize everything...because she can't handle any kind of criticism," Duffy said.

Speaking like a faux medical advisor, Campos Duffy said, "This is a person that needs to be in therapy not in Congress. I find the response really weird and disturbing."

it seems to me Rachel is very jealous of AOC.

Then Duffy attacked AOC's district, describing it as filthy and crime-ridden.

Has Campos-Duffy looked at the property values of AOC's district? I have. I used to live there and houses routinely go for over a million dollars.

Up next was Brian Kilmeade, who took the cake by doing a whataboutism bizarre exercise between AOC and slimy Ted Cruz.

Kilmeade said, "Ted Cruz is the most criticized Republican from Democrats," Brian said.

(That's debatable.)

He continued, "Imagine if Ted Cruz just said. 'all you female Democrats that are criticizing me, you just want to date me.'

I'll pause here so you can DRINK THAT IN.

"There would be such outrage. He would have to have an apology, resignation...I thought this was a joke."

(No, it was a troll.)

AOC is a young and charismatic Congressperson. Ted Cruz looks like a dehydrated prune with the sexual chemistry of the noxious odor of skunk spray.

Campos Duffy feeling overshadowed by AOC said Republican men would never want to date AOC.

Oh, really? Rachel Campos-Duffy is one of the more ridiculous Fox News personalities and her attacks on AOC show that in spades.

As soon as AOC was elected, Fox News put a bullseye on her back even before she was sworn in. They have never stopped since.

Fox News continually promotes anti-vax, anti-mask, pro-Trump miscreants like Rachel Campos-Duffy (who wants to infect all our children with omicron). Rachel supports the psychos that put the lives of friends and family members in jeopardy by refusing to get vaccinated.

Trying to claim hypocrisy against members of the Democratic party is absurd when their own employees are helping to infect millions of Americans with COVID to make Biden "look bad" and help Republicans win elections.

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