Fox News Doctor Promotes Viagra As New COVID Snake Oil Cure
What comes first, the COVID test or Viagra? And other idiotic questions.
Fox's lead "medical" voice, Dr. Mark Siegel, told Tucker Carlson that based on only one UK report, Viagra may be the new magic treatment for COVID.
Dr. Siegel, an uber-Trump supporter, discussed a story coming out of the UK right-wing news tabloids, like the the Daily Mail "Nurse wakes from 28-day Covid coma after medics give her VIAGRA," so, of course the New York Post is running with the story, as well.
Siegel gushed, "And she woke up!" I started looking into it...It's used to treat lung problems. It improves blood flow to the lungs."
He continued, "I think this is the beginning of something, and further studies are going on."
Further studies and needed absolutely, but that didn't stop these hucksters from promoting it as an actual treatment.
Siegel also promoted a conspiracy that the company, Roman, that sells Viagra also selling home testing kits for COVID, so something nefarious must be afoot.
Siegel asked, "Tucker, which do you take first? The Viagra? Would you do the home test? I don't know."
Carlson said it's pretty obvious that Viagra works.
Siegel never claimed Viagra stops the virus before you get any symptoms, only that it's possible to bring you out of a coma. So why did he end on this sour note? This is another attempt to undermine COVID vaccines, the Biden administration, and CDC health and safety protocols throughout the pandemic.
And to give aid and comfort to the antivax community.
Bleach, UV lights, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin are all bogus COVID treatments promoted on Fox News' airwaves and by Trump and his supporters, so why not VIagra?
Get ready for a rash of antivax wackos going to their doctors and demanding Viagra to cure their COVID.
If Viagra is found to be a treatment for those in serious condition pertaining to their respiratory systems, that would be excellent.
But to promote it as a cure based on one story is unethical for any medical professional.
And that means you, Dr. Siegel.