Gorsuch Puts Sotomayor At Risk By Refusing To Wear Mask
Showing some compassion or decency to a fellow justice is not in Gorsuch's make-up, as he defied Chief Justice Robert's request to mask up.
NPR's Nona Totenberg is reporting that in the first session of 2022 for the Supreme Court, all justices were wearing masks except for Neil Gorsuch -- which forced Sotomayor out of the live proceedings.
Sotomayor has diabetes, which puts her at risk for serious illness and death from Covid, but Neil Gorsuch is still refusing to comply with basic decency.
With the omicron surge Sonia Sotomayor "did not feel safe in close proximity to people who were unmasked. Chief Justice John Roberts, understanding that, in some form asked the other justices to mask up."
They all did. Except Gorsuch, who, as it happens, sits next to Sotomayor on the bench. His continued refusal since then has also meant that Sotomayor has not attended the justices' weekly conference in person, joining instead by telephone.
The entire country has been trying to stay safe from COVID, except for the anti-vax hysterics on the Right.
Hysterics who are, of course, being defended and encouraged by Fox News programming.
Showing some compassion or decency to a fellow justice is not in Gorsuch's make-up apparently. Shame.