Ingraham Claims She Was 'Lured' Into Supporting Iraq War

Apparently, Ingraham lured herself into supporting the Iraq War, because she was part of the media.

On Thursday evening, Fox News' Laura Ingraham proclaimed she now rejects the Iraq War, and claimed she was lured into it by the American media.

"I was one of those who was lured into the naïve ideas about Iraq and even nation-building. I finally saw the light, thank goodness," Ingraham proclaimed.

Ingraham is part of the media!

Did she lure herself into supporting the Iraq War?

It only took her almost 20 years to see the light, apparently.

She's one of the biggest liars on Fox, and that's saying something.

Glenn Greenwald, once a liberal blogger, is now a Fox News tool. Still, he's right that the media supported the Iraq War. I started C&L over that premise over 17 years ago, but listening to Ingraham pretend she wasn't part of that war drum brigade is just plain sickening.

Ingraham wasn't lured into supporting the Iraq War. She spent hours upon hours upon hours. Days, upon days. Weeks upon weeks. Years upon years. Defending the Bush administration's every move before, during, and after the invasion of Iraq.

Ingraham constantly criticized and attacked any voice that was opposed to the Iraq war.

Suddenly, Laura has an epiphany?

Now she sees the light?

We know Ingraham is supporting Putin's attempts to invade Ukraine because a Democrat is in office. Rewriting her own history is part of that package.

No one buys it, Laura.

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