Mike's Blog Round-Up

New Year Links to Great (Or Old) Liberal Blogs

The Big Dumb Mistake Edition:

Anniversaries: Balloon Juice (20 count 'em 20!) & Off The Kuff, also 20! Next yr.: Legal liquor!

In the losses column, apparently Yellow Dog Granny's weblog is no more, as brought to our attention in the MBRU suggestion box.

Maha examines the Christian Religious Right, & concludes "Trump’s Evangelicals Are Killing Christianity".

Here's one of those substack things, Hold The Press, which would like the press/media/yada to "Stop calling them protesters.
One year after the assault of the Capitol, mainstream outlets are still mislabeling the infamous disrupters of democracy."

Bonus First Amendment reminder from Politicalprof. A self-reminder as well: Thought I'd gotten the Marge Greene treatment earlier this p.m., but it was my memory that deplatformed me.

Me being M. Bouffant. Submit suggestions or tips (No advice needed, thank you.) for this feature only to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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