Mike's Blog Round-Up
Wednesday in the Liberal Blogosphere
The Stuck In Traffic for 10 Hrs. in a Snowstorm While 1,000,000 Americans a Day Contract The Plague Edition
North Stars and Cowboy Bars on social media.
Non-social media (The Press) is no damn good either, advises the Editorial Board.
Both Paul Woodward & digby sense a theme: Turns out we are the "Moral Majority", they're a loud-mouthed minority. Salon's headline for digby's item:
It's time for Democrats to remind Republicans: The GOP is very much in the minority
And don't you forget it!
And good news about Yellow Dog Granny, she's back in the saddle.
Assembled by M. Bouffant. Thanks to the iNternet detectives who found YDG & advised us in the suggestion box, mbru@crooksandliars.com.