Carlson Attacks Lindsey Graham For Supporting Biden Over Putin

What world do we live in?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson launched into a tirade against Senator Lindsey Graham over Vladimir Putin.

What got Carlson's panties in a bunch? The Senator's criticisms of his darling Vladimir Putin.

Senator Graham had the audacity to back President Biden, NATO, Ukraine and will not appease Russia.

"All I can say is I support President Biden's decision to beef up American presence and NATO allies surrounding Russia to make NATO stronger, not weaker," Graham said at his Pendleton office Tuesday. "We have one president at a time. President Biden is the President of the United States, and to the extent that I can help him push back against Putin and bring stability to the world, I will gladly do so. I will not be part of an appeasement movement that will lead to further conflict."

On topic, Graham was on Fox News again this morning to reiterate that he stood by Biden, while indicating Trump would have been "stronger," NO REALLY.

LINDSEY GRAHAM: Here is the good news. We're not helpless. I've been on the phone with Democratic members of the Senate. We're a coalition in Congress and we'll come out with a task force designed to look at Putin as an individual, go after all the stuff he has stolen from the Russian people and make life difficult on him as an individual, empowering the Departments of Justice, State, and Treasury to go after Putin and his buddies. We need to have an economic embargo of basically all things Russia. I hate it for the people. Why should we travel to Moscow freely and openly? We need to think about isolating Russia. I think we need to look at other places in the world. Virtually every place. Israelis want two tankers in case they have to attack Iran. They don't have the refueling capability. Let's give them a couple of tankers and reinforce Taiwan because not only do we have a problem in Ukraine, we've got a problem building all over the world in the Mideast and Asia. So if we can be strong in other places that will actually help us in Ukraine.

BILL HEMMER: With all due respect based on the list you ticked off about Putin and Ukraine why wasn't it done before the invasion?

GRAHAM: Well, what happens is they miscalculated. It's not easy, you know. I want to help president Biden where I can. We have one president at a time. I will talk to Wendy Sherman in a bit. They made a decision not to lay out what sanctions would look like. They thought it would be provocative. They thought if they created a mystery of what they would do it would deter Putin. When you're weak you don't have the luxury of being nuanced. A strong person like Trump would say 'if you screw with me all bets are off.' That would chill people out because they believe he is strong. When you are weak you don't have the ability to be nuanced. The fatal mistake was not to let Putin and his cronies know. The strategy didn't work. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. We need to change the rules when it comes to Putin.

Back to Tucker, who really has it in for Graham:

During his opening monologue Wednesday, Carlson characterized the South Carolina Senator as a bored and feckless man, ignorant about Russia, with nothing to lose because of his government pension.

Carlson said, "When is the last time he did anything, one thing to improve the life of an American citizen other than himself?"

Carlson blamed Graham for not doing anything against inflation because he's rich.

"He's got no kids [Was that a gay reference, Tucker? - and he's got the generous pension. He's set!"

Let's take a look at your bank account, Mr. Swanson Foods.

I do enjoy when Republican lawmaker's are attacked by their own side, even when it comes from an egomaniac QAnon a-hole.

But to support a murderous thug and autocrat like Vladimir Putin over a sitting US President and Members of Congress -- while Russia invades its neighbor, causing massive damage and countless deaths -- is irredeemable.

Tucker can be a stooge for Putin all he wants, but to undermine the US in a time of a foreign conflict like this is immoral.

Let me ask Carlson a question.
What have you done to improve the lives of one single Fox News viewer?

In fact, how many Fox News viewers have died because of your anti-COVID, anti-vax, anti-mask stances throughout this pandemic?

Tucker is traitorous scum.

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