Charlie Kirk: Asking For Vaccine Proof Is Just Like Nazi Germany

Using the genocide of 6 million Jews at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis -- to poke fun at vaccine mandates -- is totally on-brand for Charlie Kirk.

With over 900,000 Americans dead from COVID, Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk equated being asked for proof of vaccination to the atrocities of Nazi Germany.

A fleabrain like Kirk obviously has no idea what the word atrocity means.

Kirk told a despicable fable of him being asked for a vaccine card in Arizona. (Thanks to MM4A for the transcript)

"Again, I live in Arizona. I say, show me your papers? What kind of papers are you talking about? I'm pretty naive, I was on the phone - what are you talking about? That's kind of weird. They say, where is your proof of vaccination? I said, what do you mean? The measles, mumps, rubella vaccination? Like, polio or smallpox? Like, I could get that, I think. Actually, my pediatrician is not far from here that I grew up with. They're like, no, the COVID vaccination proof."

"And so, not going to happen. So, and look, they were being nice enough. They were being very compliant Stasi members of the regime, right? They would've been -- again, I never want to hear again, like, how could the atrocities of Germany happen? Like, go to Corner Bakery, alright? You'll see. Seriously. Show me your papers. Like, what? Like, I want a panini. This is weird. Show me your papers.

And so, it really sunk in and here I am coming back home, you know, and being treated like I'm visiting East Germany. Literally, no exaggeration.

COVID safety measures are all a big joke to creeps like Kirk. As the US closes in on a million Americans dead from Covid, this jag-off is trying to be funny when asked to show his vaccine status.

And Kirk uses the genocide of 6 million Jews at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis to poke fun.

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