Fox Portrays Trucking Company General Manager As 'Truck Driver'

Chris Clarke is the general manager of a Canadian trucking company and a member of the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce, but that didn't stop Fox from attempting to portray him as just some ordinary "truck driver" out there participating in the protests.

Chris Clarke is the general manager of a Canadian trucking company and a member of the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce, but that didn't stop Fox from attempting to portray him as just some ordinary "truck driver" out there participating in the protests.

On this Sunday's Fox & Friends, here's how host Will Cain introduced Clarke:

CAIN: Police in Ottawa clashing with the "freedom convoy" protesters rallying against COVID mandates. At least 170 protesters have been arrested so far. The violence keeps escalating with horseback officers appearing to trample demonstrators. Let's bring in Canadian truck driver Chris Clarke from Ottawa.

Clarke did correct Cain and let him know what he is a "former dump truck driver" that has been "able to move into a management role," but the description "Canadian truck driver" was displayed in the chyron throughout the entire interview as Clarke proceeded to lie about whether the protests have been peaceful, attack the Canadian police for using pepper spray, help Cain lie about them supposedly trampling protesters, and call Trudeau a tyrant. Cain also called Clarke a "truck driver" a second time at the end of the interview.

CAIN: So you're there in Ottawa and you brought up the horses, the mounted police officers and the video that everyone is seeing. I want to show you, play for you what the Ottawa interim police chief is saying about that moment, what in his mind prompted horses and the trampling of protesters. Watch this.

POLICE CHIEF: We all saw that this, that the protesters were aggressive with the officers and we needed to use horses at one point. As a result we responded this morning by adding helmets and batons to our equipment for the safety of our officers. […]

Our officers continued to face resistance. At one point a flare was ignited by a protester. Officers used a chemical irritant also known as pepper spray to disperse unlawful demonstrators who were resisting police orders.

CAIN: So, Chris, there you can hear it, prompted by the protesters, aggressive protesters, what did you see?

CLARKE: I saw none of that. I saw protesters kneeling and praying, and begging officers, pleading with them, pleading with their families. A lot of people looking these officers straight in the face and saying we forgive you, you know not what you're doing and simply the police, sometimes without warning, jumping forward, sometimes five six feet and then rushing the crowd is what I witnessed. I saw no resistance at all from any of these peaceful protesters.

CAIN: And just really quickly, Chris, in the last couple of days you've sign the posture of the government, of the police go from what to what? Because from a distance, Chris, it certainly seems like it's gotten much, much more aggressive?

CLARKE: To me it looked like Trudeau in a temper tantrum, decided, he demanded police officers use all necessary force to regain his street, Wellington Street here in Ottawa. I believe it was a basically a tyrannical move to try to show the world how powerful he is.

CAIN: Alright, Chris Clarke, one of the truckers in Ottawa protesting for freedom in Canada.

Fox loved law enforcement back when it was BLM protesters that they were attacking. Now that it's a bunch of MAGA anti-vaxxers, not so much. They really have turned on a dime now that supporting the police doesn't fit their agenda.

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