Griffin Blasts The Five For Comparing Ukraine To 'Wag The Dog'

The Fox foreign correspondent took offense to the hosts for using the serious Russia situation to flog the nonsensical Durham investigation.

Jennifer Griffin, long time Fox foreign correspondent, scolded Republican members on The Five for trying to claim Biden's speech about a possible Russian invasion was a false flag to distract from Hillary Spying on Trump. Greg Gutfeld and Kennedy claimed the Russia-Ukraine conflict was manufactured, and a new talking point on Fox is that since Jake Sullivan worked for Obama, he must be behind some nefarious plot.

Finally an adult entered the room. I've covered Griffin for a long time, and she's one of the only Fox on-air reporters who doesn't play the right-wing smear game.

Wingnut troll Jesse Watters asked Griffin for some reaction to President Joe Biden's speech about Russia, and the likelihood of Putin attacking Ukraine.

Griffin said, "Well Jesse I think, first of all, I need to level-set with the conversation I’ve just been listening to."

“What we are witnessing right now is not something that just changed in the last 24 hours. If you go back to notes that I’ve been sending out for the last two weeks, this is something we’ve been watching in terms of, you have commercial satellite imagery, you have the buildup of forces, the type of forces, the numbers of forces, things that we’ve been told in advance to look for in terms of some of the disinformation that is already starting to appear, the false flag operations in the Donbas region. All of that is ticking up," she said, uninterrupted.

Griffin said there is still a small window to convince Putin to stop his aggression. Griffin then backed up Biden's claims that Putin has made a decision to invade Ukraine.

"We're seeing it with our own eyes," Griffin stated.

"It's going to be bloody," she said. She predicted thousands killed, and millions of refugees created.

"Every American should be watching and knowing this is deadly serious."

This is not some wag-the-dog situation. To even mention the Durham probe in the same sentence as what we know, and what we can see with our own eyes in terms of the military buildup and knowing what Vladimir Putin is capable of. I served in Moscow from 1996 to ’99. I watched as Vladimir Putin rose," she said.

Griffin continued, "I remember the apartment blocks that were blown up by his KGB, his FSB as a pretext to go into Chechnya. Go look at those images of Chechnya and how carpet-bombed Chechnya was when the Russian military moves in. This is not a precision, small pinpointed strike. This will be the full weight of the Russian military going into Ukraine if someone doesn’t stop it in the coming days.”

I've never seen Griffin speak for four straight minutes without being interrupted.

Let's hope her words hold real weight with Fox viewers, who listen to these other muppets as if they are truth-tellers instead of right-wing propagandists. After all, they believe whatever conspiracy Gutfeld, Pirro, and Watters cook up attacking Hillary Clinton or the Democratic party is fair and balanced, right?

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