Johnson Proves Himself To Be A Racist After Denying It

Ron Johnson demands an apology from Deborah Lipstadt for calling him a white supremacist, then proves her right.

Johnson Proves Himself To Be A Racist After Denying It

Last March, Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) made the ignorant comment that he would have been more concerned if it were Black people storming the Capitol during the January 6 sedition riot.

Deborah Lipstadt, the nominee to be the State Department’s special envoy for monitoring and combating antisemitism, called him out by name, saying he was acting like a white supremacist.

RoJo nursed the resulting grudge for nearly a year until a delayed hearing for her confirmation last week. He coerced her into giving him an apology and then continued to badger her because his feelings were still hurt:

But Johnson, who has made controversial and false claims about the Jan. 6 riot, did not appear assuaged by the apology. He told Lipstadt she was “not qualified” to serve as the State Department’s antisemitism envoy.

“You don’t know me. You don’t know a lot of the people you have accused online in front of millions of people,” Johnson said. “You have engaged in the malicious poison [and] vile and horrible charges against people including me that you don’t even know.”

Now fast forward just a few hours to a virtual town hall RoJo held where, sandwiched between anti-mask misinformation and pushing the Big Lie, came up with this doozy:

Johnson also took aim at what he considered to be federal government overreach, saying “the federal government busted out of its constitutional constraints decades ago.”

He added that the government is really supposed to protect people’s equality and freedom, clarifying that he did not mean “equity.”

“Equity doesn’t mean equal; equity means preferential treatment to achieve a certain desired result,” he said. “I don’t think that’s what people fought and died for. People fought and died for freedom and equality.”

The "preferential treatment" that RoJo is mewling about simply means leveling the playing field so that people have a chance of equal results. In other words, canceling the white privilege that RoJo has become so accustomed to. Or to put it in a different way, justice.

And those people who "fought and died" for freedom and equality also did so for justice, which includes removing his white privilege. If that isn't white supremacy, I don't know what is.

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