Matt Gaetz Says Trump Considered Pardons For Jan 6 Insurrectionists

Onto the right-wing fever swamps.

Matt Gaetz joined Trump flunky Sebastian Gorka and told him that Trump did contemplate pardoning the seditious traitors that attacked the US Capitol on January 6.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was also part of the segment and gave aid and comfort to all those that tried an attempted coup against our duly elected government.

During Trump's rally last weekend, he said he'd consider pardoning all those incarcerated for the assault on the US Capitol.

This was panned by many Republicans including Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.

Gaetz told Gorka the use of the "pardon power may be necessary."

"I recall discussing the potential pardons for the January 6 detainees (not insurrectionists) with President Trump in the final days of his presidency," Rep. Gaetz said.

Gaetz didn't mention that he tried to get a blanket pardon for himself.

Gaetz continued, "[Trump] contemplated pardons at that time for some folks he thought might have been inadvertently drawn into criminal conduct..."

Sure, they happened to be walking near the Capitol and tripped into Speaker Pelosi's office.

Gaetz made believe he uncovered real evidence to defend the insurrectionists when he went on a fishing expedition and said, "If we knew then what we know now...that the DOJ wouldn't answer basic questions about charges... I bet President Trump would have issued pardons in the final days of his first term.."

Gaetz and Greene tried to do their own faux "investigation" so they could blame FBI informants on the insurrection itself and defend Traitor Trump. Both are upset that Attorney General Garland refused to corrupt the investigation by discussing it with them.

Gorka said Lindsay Graham should become a Democrat after not buying into Trump's lunacy of pardoning insurrectionists.

And that is your morning cup of dreck.

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