Newsmax Host: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine 'Smells Fishy To Me'

Grant Stinchfield told his audience 'the Russia thing' felt like a false flag operation.

Grant Stinchfield is one several crackpots with a show on Newsmax. C&L has highlighted his extremism many times.

Last night Stinchfield once again made a fool of himself when he alluded to the idea that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a false flag operation by the Biden administration.

Newsmax played several video clips of President Biden, so Stinchfield could throw a fit.

Stinchfield said, "These are the reasons why I don't trust Joe Biden or anyone around him. This Russian invasion, that they claim is well underway, smells fishy to me."

"Now don't get me wrong, " he said. "I predicted Russia would take Ukraine with little bloodshed. I predicted Vladimir Putin would roll in just like he did in Crimea and declare it as his."

Stinchfield continued, "Now, that could be what's happening right now. Team Biden tells us the Russian cyberattacks have increased against Ukraine. It would make sense. But have they increased? Where's the evidence? Guess what? We never get any evidence with Team Biden. Certainly not with COVID. We don't get evidence now surrounding Ukraine. Why? Because Vladimir Putin is playing Joe Biden for the rudderless fool that he is. President Trump knows what's behind Putin's moves."

Stinchfield never explained why he thought it was a false flag operation, but in QAnon/MAGA territory, none is needed. And when Grant said the word "evidence" it made me cringe because his ilk never need any evidence to spread the multitude of conspiracy theories emanating from the wingnut fever swamps.

His show, like almost all right-wing shows, are designed to make the traitorous ex-president look like a God, and all others look feeble.

They praise a former KGB murderous thug like Putin over the entire US Congress.

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