Even Republicans Laud President Biden's Russia Speech

President Biden made a strong pitch to Russia -- why it's a bad idea to invade Ukraine.

On Tuesday, President Biden gave a strong speech addressing Russia's ongoing attempts to invade Ukraine.

POTUS calmly explained the situation to the American people, rallied NATO nations, explained the dire consequences Putin will face, and made it clear that diplomacy is the best policy for all parties involved.

The USA Today: Biden is getting Ukraine and Russia right

Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post wrote: Biden has Putin trapped in a corner.

It was a show of strength in the face of Russian aggression against our ally. The former guy would have swapped love letters instead of taking a tough stand against the Russian dictator president.

The praise didn't stop there, as Fox contributor Mark Theissen told Fox host Martha McCallum that President Biden's speech was "excellent."

Theissen said, "Well, first of all, I thought President Biden’s speech was excellent. He basically said that Ukraine will be able to associate with who it wants. He rejected Putin’s demands for guarantees that they not join NATO.”

He continued, "[Biden] made clear that another Putin demand, that they not have U.S. Forces or missiles or anything in eastern Europe and NATO countries? He's made clear we’re gonna defend those countries.”

"If Putin invades, they will be significant pressure on financial institutions and key industries,” Theissen said.

President Biden will hit Russia in their energy pocketbook.

We rarely hear any praise coming to any Democratic politician from Fox News these days as the Murdoch group has completely turned Fox into a full-on GOP opposition research and Republican candidate promotion apparatus.

Biden's speech was so strong even Republicans had to take notice. It was a show of strength in the face of Russian aggression against our ally.

The former guy most likely would have swapped love letters instead of taking a tough stand against the Russian dictator president.

If only Tucker Carlson would get the memo... but he appears to have turned his attention elsewhere?

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