Seb Gorka Exemplifies CPAC In Melodramatic Rant Against Dr. Fauci

Gorka was cheered for screaming like a banshee and telling Dr. Fauci to go to hell!

Seb Gorka, a former Deputy Assistant to Trump and highly controversial crackpot ranted like he was on meth when he screamed at Dr. Anthony Fauci during his CPAC speech.

Gorka appeased the anti-vaccine, anti-Covid disreputable CPAC attendees by screaming about masks and vaccine requirements put in place to save lives. Guess who was to blame for Traitor Trump's despicable handling of COVID?.

Screaming like a banshee about COVID safety protocols Gorka said, "Tens of thousands of Americans said no!!! Fauci go to hell!"

Yelling at the top of his lungs Gorka continued,"I am an American. I have the right to feed my children. You will not mask my children. Go to hell!"

"Or even better go to prison."

When restaurants ask for proof of vaccination to protect their staff and other guests that's not purposely starving your kids and your family from food. Can't these famiies cook a burger or make some eggs without going out for a meal?

This is as ridiculous and bombastic as I've ever seen this Hungarian authoritarian Nazi sympathizer.

It appeared that Gorka was trying to out do every other lamebrained speech at CPAC by volume and melodrama.

The CDC and Dr. Fauci trying to save the lives of Americans during a once in a lifetime pandemic is a criminal offense to Traitor Trump enablers and CPAC's audience because they need a fall guy to take Donald's place.

This is the only kind of politics Republicans know how to practice: Right-wing grievances performed like a child to attack their rivals.

We can all hope that Dr. Fauci is not hurt in the future by one these Stepford ingrates.

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