SCOTUS Slaps Down Trump's Appeal To Block WH Records Again
It's gonna come out. The January 6 Committee gets Trump's White House records, says The Supreme Court.
Trump loses again in court, and must release all White House records in regards to the insurrection on January 6, 2020.
Reuters reports, "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit" had already upheld a lower court's ruling on these documents, so Trump tried to use his Supreme Court picks as his "get out of jail free card" pertaining to his records.
But even for that craven bunch, they refused to do his bidding.
The J6 Select House Committee will have a chance to do a deep dive into those records.
David Badash is correct when he writes, "President Joe Biden has repeatedly rejected Trump’s claim as well, not only authorizing the National Archives but urging them to act quickly to release Trump White House records."
Unfortunately, records and documents Trump already ate or flushed down the toilet will not be available to the J6ers.