DeSantis Goes To War With Disney, And Fox Helps

The Florida "parent's rights bill" is a Republican scam to attack teachers and public schools.

On Monday, Florida governor DeSantis signed into law the despicable "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Disney then issued a statement as reported by Variety saying Florida’s HB1557, "Don’t Say Gay” bill should never passed and never signed into law.

This bill is part of the evangelical right-wing GOP using children as political tools to attack teachers and public schools; claiming they are "grooming centers for children" as well as "teaching kids to hate white people."

DeSantis, as usual, claimed the bill is nothing more than parent's rights legislation.

Passing horrific laws for nonexistent practices is the only legislation Republicans care about.

"This bill is about providing protection so that they know they can send their young kids to school without the school telling a young girl for example that she may really be a boy," DeSantis said.

This is as outrageous as it is immoral. Teachers aren't teaching girls to become boys, and all of Florida knows this.

DeSantis continued, "And if schools are trying to do things that impact the health and well-being of the kids, and they're undertaking certain services that parents have a right to know that and provide consent for it."

If is the big word. DeSantis and right-wing provocateurs know full well this is not happening but they are hopeful it will energize Republican voters addicted to wingnut media to smear Democrats as race-baiting pedophiles.

Fox News and other MAGA cult outlets then back up DeSantis by relentlessly attacking Disney for being "woke" to defend their attacks on the LGBTQ+' civil rights in America.

This is key to Republicans' success. The GOP knows they have an entire media consortium ready in waiting to defend whatever homophobic, xenophobic, anti-American jihad they are on at any given day.

"Woke" is part of the culture wars Republicans are running on.

It's pathetic, but it's also so dangerous for teachers and students caught in their cross-hairs.

PS. Tucker was really desperate to distract from Trump's hours-long gap last night, so he went so far as to bring up..."chemical castration" of children? What?

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