Florida Lt Gov Goes Full Facist On Disney For Supporting LGBTQ+ Kids
Florida's GOP will not stand for dissent! Goebbels would be proud.
Disney has paused all political donations in Florida after the state approved a viciously homophobic bill that uses teachers and schools to attack the LGBTQ+ community, using children as its cudgel.
After much criticized hesitation, Disney CEO Bob Chapek finally took action, saying, "It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights. You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry."
Ingraham opened by saying the new legislation didn't go far enough! She later said we should protect children's "innocence" from being "indoctrinated" into becoming gay.
Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez agreed, saying that Disney had no right to an opinion contrary to the right-wing extremists who have overtaken Florida. This is how fascist Florida has become under the leadership of Ron DeSantis.
Nunez attacked companies critical of the "Don't Say Gay" bill as being run by "feckless CEOs of these 'woke' corporations....They will criticize our legislation. They will try to bully us like the NCAA did, like Disney's doing."
That's when her inner fascist took over.
"How dare they! They have no right to criticize legislation by duly elected legislators that are passing common sense legislation to criticize and to threaten," Nunez said.
In America, people have a right to redress their government, but apparently in Florida you have no rights at all to even speak out or comment on disagreements with the ruling body. If a person, a group, or a company has a differing opinion from Gov. DeSantis and his administration, you either go along or shut up. Otherwise, they will seek vengeance against you.
"Gov. DeSantis and I won't stand for it. We're proud and in the free state of Florida we put parents and their rights first." Nunes whined.
Does Lt. Gov. Nunez not have faintest clue what's in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights?
This is the new game Republicans are playing to rile up the religious right/former soccer mom voting block, ie: parents of young children. Get them outraged over a nonexistent "indoctrination," so they will hate any Democratic initiative, politician, or public school teacher.
They create outrage over something that is not even happening, like when they lied about CRT being taught in elementary school. Now they're claiming teachers groom first-graders to change their sexual identity as an excuse to pass creepy legislation to outlaw this nonexistent behavior, and then claim it's just a common sense measure that protects the innocence of children and supports parental rights.
Goebbels would be proud.