Fox Business Hosts Try To Destroy Great March Jobs Report Numbers

678,000 jobs were created in February, which beat Wall Street expectations by a lot, but this is not good news at Fox and Fox Business.

The March jobs report beat the Street's expectations by a wide margin as nonfarm payrolls for the month grew by 678,000.

CNBC reported job growth accelerated in February, posting its biggest gain since July. The estimates were around 440,000 and 3.9% unemployment.

However, if you watched Fox Business and Fox News, their hosts had another take entirely.

(The video above is a mash-up of several segments.)

On Mornings with Maria, Maria Bartiromo's first guest before the report was released predicted that about 440,000 jobs would be created.

When the data was released, Bartiromo turned it over to Fox Business reporter Cheryl Casone to read off the report.

Casone was quite ecstatic about the the report. "These are very very strong numbers," she repeated many times while she was on air.

Trump toady Steve Moore was next, and he even saluted the high jobs numbers across all industries.

Moore's praise was short-lived, however, as Dagen McDowell cut in with a sour attitude.

Dagen somberly said, "Wages are not keeping up with inflation, they're falling."

Bartiromo's show continue on that trajectory. Forget about the great report. Suddenly all that really matter are inflation, energy, and wage stagnation.

Scoot over to Varney & Co., and when host Stuart Varney brought on a bullish money manager Brian Belski to discuss the great jobs report, Varney also tried to throw cold water on it by looking at the stock market prices. Market prices are not always indicative of the state of our economy.

Varney said, "These jobs numbers, fairly strong today and the market is down sharply. Doesn't that imply we've got a major league inflation problem, here, which is not going away, and makes it a bad time to buy stocks?"

Brian Belski, a Chief Investment Strategist finally said what Fox News hosts refused to say. "I think the market (in red territory) has nothing to do with what's happening with the jobs. It's all about Ukraine." Belski said the jobs report was strong and he predicted great things in the future.

Now we cut over to Fox and Friends, who brought on FOX Business activist Charles Payne to discuss the great jobs report.

Instead of being excited he was dour. "I thought it was gonna be a higher number, I really did," Payne said.

(If these great numbers had occurred under Trump, every one of these hosts would be screaming to the high heavens how incredible they are.)

Payne lied, and tried to claim that the consensus on Wall Street was inaccurate, and that over 770,000 jobs would be created.

Again, that is false. CNN economy reported that the 400,000 prediction for Friday was the consensus of a wide range of estimates.

Payne then gave a weird monologue on the jobs reports, comparing them over the last two years, to again throw cold water on the great jobs report under President Biden.

Media Matters For America writes, "A strong monthly jobs report beat expectations this morning, but Fox & Friends struggled to characterize it, absurdly claiming that the numbers had missed expectations while arguing with no evidence that the data were unreliable."

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