Fox News General Claims U.S. Wants Putin To Win

This is straight-up Tokyo Rose-style propaganda.

Retired General Jack Keane is apparently paid by Fox to forget which country he serves.

Keane told Fox News that President Biden doesn't want Ukraine to win the war against Russia for fear of "adverse consequences."

On Fox, it appears that every Trump supporter who has a gig on the network is instructed to concoct as many unsubstantiated theories to undermine President Biden as possible. Even when faced with a hostile invasion that has a massive impact on the entire world.

Keane has been a regular on Fox for some time. Back in 2016, he turned down Trump's offer to be Secretary of Defense.

Talking to Martha MacCallum on Wednesday, Keane claimed that every action President Biden has taken was done "not to provoke Putin."

The reason? "Fear of adverse consequence."

No one in America wants the United States to go to war with Russia. And neither do our NATO allies, so they all take measured and smart moves to aid Ukraine.

Does Keane approve of sending our nuclear subs to patrol Russia's coast to pressure Putin as Trump proposed? Would that spark an "adverse consequence?"

Keane says Ukraine has the advantage now in the war. "We don't want to provoke Putin."

"I don't like saying this," Keane said. But of course, he will say it.

"The facts are we don’t want Putin to lose. We don’t want Putin to lose because we’re afraid that if he loses, there will be a provocative reaction on his part," he said.

What provocative action would he take, you ask? Who knows. it must be something since Keane said so.

Keane continued, "So it explains why we’re not all-in on helping Zelensky win, who is begging for all of that help.”

The US has been all in, helping Ukraine as has NATO.

Fox News has been attacking President Biden for calling Putin a war criminal. For them, it was a too blatant act of provocation against Russia by our commander and chief.

Now suddenly, Biden wants Putin to win the war against Ukraine?

This whole segment was to try and paint Biden as a coward and make Trump look strong.

In reality, General Keane, Trump was the weakest national leader to ever face the Russian president, and he embarrassed this nation like no other president before him.

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