Jan 6 Conspirator Navarro Calls Trump 'The American Caesar' Betrayed By Pence

Navarro also implicates Ted Cruz as the Senator who was part of the plot.

Former Trump economic advisor Peter Navarro called former Vice President Mike Pence a traitor for refusing to be part of the coup to overturn the 2020 election and end American democracy.

Navarro, who refuses to testify to the January 6 committee over his involvement in the plot, explained Trump's "Green Bay Sweep" strategy to overturn six battleground states' certified results, in order for Trump to remain in power.

Ranting to Newsmax TV, Navarro then implicated Ted Cruz as the key Senator they needed to help with the coup.

Navarro explained the plot.

"We had 100 Senators and Congressmen on board. It started flawlessly with Ted Cruz, basically challenging the results in Arizona," Navarro explained.

Navarro included white nationalist Paul Gosar, who in the House also challenged Arizona's votes.

Navarro claimed everything they did was fine and only the votes Republicans consider legal should count.

Then he focused on Vice President Mike Pence and his refusal to be party to a treasonous plot.

"It was a tragedy that Mike Pence decided to be a traitor to the American Caesar of Trump." Navarro said.

Navarro then ranted about the six battleground states they tried to hijack.

"I can show you the very thin margin that Biden allegedly won by would be wiped out if you counted only the legal votes," Navarro explained, with an underlying suggestion that only Republican votes were legitimate.

Sure, if any US President loses and then puts in place a scheme to only count the votes he likes, you might as well burn US Democracy to the ground, which was exactly what he intended.

Navarro is a nut, just like most of Trump's team that tried to overthrow the government.

Peter is perfectly fine discussing his plot with Newsmax or OANN, but he's a coward for refusing to be put under oath and tell the January 6th Select Committee what he did, instead citing executive privilege.

This is odd since Navarro is apparently waiving that privilege to appear on Newsmax TV and discuss the insurrection plot on his terms.

Greg Kelly asked if he would go to jail rather than testify.

"Yes, " Navarro said.

Good, that's where you belong, Navarro. Lock him up now.

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